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Thoughts for today

Don't go to the bathroom immediately after coming in from the cold. Things are a little harder to get a hold of, and when you finally do, the fingers feel especially chilly.

People who back into their parking space at work are setting the stage to get out of there as fast as they can, even though the net time lost is far greater than pulling in head first. That's why we can't make the opposite inference for people who pull in head first. They may just be too lazy to back in, yet still want to get the hell out as fast as possible. But at least we know for sure on the "backies."

Gravy can be poured over any breakfast. Biscuits, eggs, bacon, Wheaties, whatever.

I have observed two people this week eating DQ (of the "cold treats" variety) while wearing a winter coat inside our office. That's dedication. I've also decided DQ needs to come out with a Blizzard called the "Fudge Gobbler." I hear it's high in fiber.

First off, I'm impressed with you Stooks. Second, did you experience first hand your first "thought of the day"? Also, how long did it take you to come up with your second "thought of the day"? I don't get to listen to your show hardly at all anymore so maybe you discussed these things in the morning. You do deserve a pat on the back for updating your site once again. Way to go...

1. Yes
2. Once I saw a couple cars parked that way in the station's parking lot and thought about the drivers of said cars.
3. Thanks

Better yet, call the new DQ Blizzard "The Queen's Fudge Gobbler." The name would combine a creamy sensation of medieval confectionary delight with an element of filth that only a true scat lover could appreciate.

DB, thanks for showing up. Moist-faced Jansen would applaud your royal delicacy.

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