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Too late for Latino Heat

The WWE, formerly known as the WWF, is going to start testing wrestlers for drugs and steroids after Eddie "Latino Heat" Guerrero died a few weeks ago. They didn't find drugs in his system, but he used to dance with the white lady a couple years back.
That may solve one problem. But looking at the above photograph, I'm wondering if Satan played a part, becoming enraged with Latino's superior, acrobatic facial hair maneuvers.

I'm impressed, Stooks. Two posts within a week of each other. Way to go!!

Let's see if it keeps up.

That devil picture reminds me of Francis Buckston dressed as the devil in Pee Wee's bad dream about his bike being torn to shreds and melted down.

'Member when Eddie Guerrero used to be a "Cruiser Weight" Champion in WCW? Maybe a thyroid disease enabled him to gain the weight necessary to compete for the Heavyweight Championship, then lead to his untimely demise. I think I am on to something here. I should have been an investigator like Simon from "Simon and Simon."

Bold move with the "Simon and Simon" reference. I had to dig back pretty deep into my ravaged brain to keep up with that one.

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