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Old people do the darndest things

The Pops of Pudding is almost at that age.

The Prewitt and I went to breakfast at Chubby's in KC the other day.

There was an old woman sitting next to us.

She had three empty packs of smokes, each one stuffed with cigarette lighters.

She used her cane to try to retrieve a penny off the floor. The Prewitt and I made eye contact with each other, as if to say "You help her."

She was eating some oatmeal concoction that looked like a cat had popped a squat over it.

Yup, that was one crazy woman.

But, she doesn't beat the old, possibly German woman who called our show today.

most importantly she went through about 20 packets of jelly for her 2 slices of toast. ~the Prewitt

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