Hot and spicy and explosive
If you've ever ordered at a Mexican restaurant in Spanish, you need to listen to our discussion from this morning to find out why you're in the wrong.
Many toucans were harmed in the making of this poncho.
We also played a little game called "What's Tom Cruise going to put in Katie Holmes' mouth to shut her up during childbirth?"
And the old, German woman gets in a vicious car accident while scolding us for bad weather forecasting.
Ohh NO poor old lady, I have to admit that she had it comeing though.
Posted by Deloris Hewitt | 11:34 AM, April 05, 2006
It drives me nuts when waiters can't understand english. I prefer to go in and say "I would like the best burrito in the house" If the waiter does not understand that I don't tip.
Posted by Jacque Hornbuckle | 11:36 AM, April 05, 2006
Good call.
Posted by Matt Stooks | 5:11 PM, April 05, 2006