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Da Vinci code and lunchroom memories

The Da Vinci Code is out today, and there's hella hubbub going around.

The movie didn't get very good reviews, but The Stoner says it's because the critics didn't watch it the right way.

Hansel's dad is taking him to see the movie, and he's quite excited.

Jesus didn't foresee Judas' biggest betrayal:
Forgetting to put up the "No Girls Allowed" sign

The Manhattan School District is looking to make lunch time a little healthier.

We started reminiscing about lunchroom memories, like the time I unleashed pudding all over a girl's face.

One of our callers said she had a horrifying experience with salad dressing.

One guy threw a hamburger at a girl for getting all kinds of sassy up in his grill because he broke up with his girlfriend.

I've heard of it before, but I've never witnessed a vomit chain reaction. Check out this guy's story.

Wouldn't this be better if they tore off steaks and ground chuck from their bodies as well?

BS, ohh my

Did anybody mention Cheeto-back?




No Cheeto-back mentions, but I bet plenty of people had it in the back of their mind.


Haha. Was that uncalled for?

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