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Hasselhoff Cries

The most shocking thing from last night's American Idol was at the very end of the show.

Out of nowhere, they pop Hasselhoff on the screen. This is the first and only time they showed him the entire show. Taylor Hicks was finishing his victory song, Hasselhoff is on screen, clapping, shaking his head back and forth as if to say "unbelievable show." Tears are evident in Hoff's eyes.

This morning, we decided to see if Hasselhoff was breaking walls down for all mankind with his crying episode.

So we asked, "if Hasselhoff can cry, is it easier for other men to shed tears?"

Immediately, three dudes call in and start hating on Hasselhoff for his display of emotion.

Luckily a proud Hoff supporter called in, frequently referring to him by last name only and almost flat-out declaing him the sexiest of all.

Another woman heard this and wouldn't stand still for it, and lashed out against this Hasselhoff sympathizer.

Then, the High Lady calls in, and says she would rather sleep with a specific friend of Hasselhoff's than Hasselhoff himself.

Hoff cried so hard, he disabled the tear ducts in his right eye

That first quote needs to make the highlight real.

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