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Baby laws

Chris saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night.

There was a baby in the theater. Amazingly, the baby didn't cry.

However, not everyone is so lucky. So we talked about the possibility of rules against babies.

This segment has a guy with a brilliant idea: switches for babies.

This one has a woman who won't put up with it, and a man who will retaliate against any loud baby at the theater.

Never make Twins a child's first movie

In other show activity...

A final "World Cupdate."

Blade Velasquez calls in, trying to convince us to play his weird music...we comply.

I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a baby to the movie. We have a 5 month old that has already been to at least 6 movies. We haven't once had an incident with him crying in the theater.
I think it's the responsibility of the parents. All kids are different and the parents should know best whether their kid can make it through a movie or not. If your kid isn't mellow and tends to cry alot, be courteous and keep them out of the theater.
I can count the times I have heard a baby cry in movie on one hand. Now all of the idiot teenage kids and frat boys acting like they're three years old are impossible to count. Maybe there should be a law against them too because the disrupt alot more than one harmless baby.

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