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I know...

...when everyone thinks about Saved by the Bell, they think about the caffeine pills episode, and it's really played out. But I'm watching the True Hollywood Story on Saved by the Bell, when I should be cleaning up my craphole of an apartment so I can move (brilliantly) across the hall Tuesday.

Anyhow, here's the clip you want.

The test that drove Jessie to drug abuse

Note: I saw the above picture on someone's MySpace page the other day. If it was your page, please take credit. I don't want to look like I'm stealing ideas and claiming them as my own.

I'm assuming you watched Saved by the Bell this weekend? Come on man, i said if anythings going on to call me! I would have been down for some SBTB!

i think that is the picture that i used as my homepage on theprewitt.com the other day . . . not sure though. i credited you on my myspace blog today.


No, I actually got that audio off the E! True Hollywood Story.


Okay, I knew I saw it somewhere. Nothing on cats?

Did you by any chance Tivo or Tape that E! True Hollywood story because I might be tempted to spend money to get a copy! Then again I have no job and I just bought a new car so that would probably not be the smartest thing for me to do. But, the E! True Hollywood Story and Saved By The Bell are two of my most favorite things in the world. If there ever was an E! True Hollywood Story on Boy Meets World, I would spend money on that!

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