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Back to the studio

It's nice to be back in the studio after a couple days on campus.

We missed our callers and air conditioning.

When I got back home after our broadcast yesterday, one of those door-to-door magazine salesmen who's pitch starts with "can I get your vote" came to my door. He had some severe "meth mouth" working, too.

Segment 1 - A solution
Segment 2 - That guy hit me up, too!
Segment 3 - His friend calls the show?

Everyone wished Gomer had something in his teeth...

The Old Woman called in because she was upset at our "maybe she was high" response to the following piece of mail I got in my MySpace. Note the name of the sender.

From: Butt Dart
Date: Aug 19, 2006 4:28 PM

I have to take a big s*#@...... yeah that's about it... talk to you later grandma..... tell molly she's an awesome cat.

I hate those magazine sales people. I guarantee you that not a single one of them has ever made a contribution to society. I think it might be some sort of juvenile delinquent program. And yes they have tricked me into buying a magazine beforeā€¦

Ok seriously that was a joke. Hmmmm I guess that was nice of you to mention me cause now I feel oh so special... yesss well my sister called me and told me about it cause she was with me when i typed that out to you and she said that you had a website so i went to it and sure enough there my shit was on blast lol. damn you're good.. but anywho yeah

oh yeah this is butt dart just so you know and don't get confused about the name...........

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