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Tom Cruise and Katie Homes' rep says they'll get married in the next three to six weeks. Just in time for the big day, Tom has finally won Katie's grandma's approval.

Britney Spears named her new son Sutton Pierce.

A bodyguard who applied to work for Brangelina has been arrested for impersonating a Homeland Security official. He was padding his resume to try to land the job. He even dressed up a Crown Victoria with some lights and "Homeland Security" decals.

Elton John has ended his feud with George Michael. It started when Elton said George was wasting talent just sitting at home. They also disagreed on which is better: top or bottom.

Congratulations to Pierce Brosnan on his environmental efforts and for posing with this terrifying facial hair.
"I'm a British pirate. Can't you tell?"

Not really breaking news, but here's an interesting take on why Elmo is a terrible character on Sesame Street.

Two corpses in two weeks on two different CSI sets. The latest was on the Miami set. A body washed ashore while they were filming a scene in Miami.

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