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Michael Jackson wants to open a Leprechaun theme park in Ireland. Once he fools someone into giving him money, I'm sure that will be quite the creepy adventure.

Five Star Vintage clothing has re-signed Kevin Federline to be the "Face of Five Star!" Isn't that a little shocking? They chose him because of his "renegade style."

"Nothing says "renegade" like an oversized ballcap with an untainted brim."

"Say it ain't so, Ponch!"

Sticking with Ponch. My friend Tony gave himself the nickname "Ponch" awhile back. Why would you want that as your nickname? WTF?

In other flashback celebrity news: Lou Diamond Phillips was charged with battery yesterday. His girlfriend says he beat her up awhile back.

Madonna's defending her crucifixion scene from her tour.

Matt LeBlanc's divorce is finalized. Ladies? Ladies? Oh, sorry Matty. Too bad we'll never hear from him again.

Would you sell $2 million dollars in artwork to Axl Rose and expect him to pay? Someone did. It was a portait of John Lennon by Andy Warhol. What's Axl buying art for, anyway? How does a piece of art compliment your neverending rage?

Just because Dane Cook's had a live-in girlfriend for more than two years doesn't mean he didn't toss it the way of Jessica Simpson. You can't fool me.

Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck are feuding on the set of The View, according to The Enquirer.

Into Lost? Here's some fun information.

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