Whitney didn't mean it! The new rumor is: Bobby cheated on Whitney. Whitney put up with it. Whitney's friends said she's letting Bobby make a fool of her. Whitney thinks threatening divorce will win him back. Bobby says "see ya."

From the same article: Joe Simpson, Jessica's dad, takes photos of his daughters and sells them to the tabloids.
A lot of people think Oprah would be a good president. Including one particular dude. He's a retired Kansas City (sigh) school teacher. He's spent $65 thousand on an "Oprah for President" campaign. Oprah's lawyer just served him a cease-and-desist letter for using Oprah's name and picture on his website.
What shocking news! Ty Pennington just told The Enquirer about his "brain disorder." He has ADHD. We already knew that. Or thought maybe Clorox was involved.

"Are my eyeballs shaking or is the world moving?"
Diddy says: you're in charge of your future, kids!
Clay Aiken talked about rumors that he's gay. He doesn't say he is or isn't, just that he sure gets sore in the ass after reading some of those articles.
This is really random: some Irish magazine called Tiger Woods wife, as well as the other U.S. Ryder Cup Team wives, "filth." They also ran fake nudy shots of her. HAHA!
Tori Spelling will be on Smallville this season. Look into those eyes and tell me there isn't something very, very frightening about Tori.

"Crack is fun!"
From the same article: Joe Simpson, Jessica's dad, takes photos of his daughters and sells them to the tabloids.
A lot of people think Oprah would be a good president. Including one particular dude. He's a retired Kansas City (sigh) school teacher. He's spent $65 thousand on an "Oprah for President" campaign. Oprah's lawyer just served him a cease-and-desist letter for using Oprah's name and picture on his website.
What shocking news! Ty Pennington just told The Enquirer about his "brain disorder." He has ADHD. We already knew that. Or thought maybe Clorox was involved.

"Are my eyeballs shaking or is the world moving?"
Diddy says: you're in charge of your future, kids!
Clay Aiken talked about rumors that he's gay. He doesn't say he is or isn't, just that he sure gets sore in the ass after reading some of those articles.
This is really random: some Irish magazine called Tiger Woods wife, as well as the other U.S. Ryder Cup Team wives, "filth." They also ran fake nudy shots of her. HAHA!
Tori Spelling will be on Smallville this season. Look into those eyes and tell me there isn't something very, very frightening about Tori.

Mel Brooks co-wrote the pilot and will provide two of the voices for Spaceballs: The Animated Series. Sadly, it's only going to be on the G4 network. WTF?
George Lucas is giving $175 million to the USC film school. Luckily, George just happened to have exactly $175 million cash stored in the second chin fold below his beard line.

"I also store various knick-knacks in there."
Can't get enough of the inside of Tom Green's body? He's filming his leg surgery for his online TV show.
Kate Moss is now a designer. America's little girl is growing up.
Only recently have I realised how many people hate John Mayer. Here's an interview where he recognizes how annoying he is to some.
Kate Moss is now a designer. America's little girl is growing up.
Only recently have I realised how many people hate John Mayer. Here's an interview where he recognizes how annoying he is to some.