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Get ready to see Screech perform the Dirty Sanchez and experiment with other bodily fluids. I'm not joking. There's a 40 minute sex tape, "Saved by the Smell" (still not kidding). Someone actually owns the rights to what sounds like a really filthy video, and is looking for a distributor.

"You probably thought you'd see Slater's dong first, didn't ya?"

Serious baby daddy drama for Anna Nicole Smith. Her lawyer says he's the father. Unfortunately, her ex says the same thing. Call Maury!

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes went out for his mom's 70th birthday. They did a good job pretending to love each other in public. Also, scroll down in this story for an odd story about the Cruise family appearance in Vanity Fair. Vendors in L.A. say people are buying five copies at a time. Their guess? Scientologists are buying up the magazine to keep Tom famous.

Classic Lohan story from Star. Her boyfriend broke up with her at a club, where she was invited by the Hilton sisters. Then, at the after hours at Paris' place, Lohan-hater Brandon Davis (he called her a "firecrotch") started making fun of her for the breakup. Kevin Connolly (Nicky Hilton's boyfriend) got sick of hearing Brandon be a jerk, so he punched him in the face. Then, Paris and Nicky consoled Lindsay.

Naomi Campbell didn't show up for her court appearance. This was for the charges she assaulted her maid with a cellphone. It looks like she won't get arrested, though. I bet she could kick some serious ass in prison.

"R Line," Seacrest's clothing line, has failed miserably. I guess some gay clothing stores wouldn't carry them. Here's a good quote: "Ironically, if Ryan were gay and had come out publicly, the shirts probably would have sold like hot cakes!"

"Ten bucks says I can get this mic down my throat."

It looks like Chevy Chase will play a Mel Gibson-like Anti-Semite, complete with a drunk driving scene when he guests on Law & Order. Except this time, his clothes are soaked in blood. Wow, looks like they threw "killing a Jew" into the creative liberties process.

Nicole Richie says she doesn't miss Paris Hilton. And she says they will never reconcile. And she says, wait, hold on, she's puking. Nevermind. I guess that was it.


oh no . . . i just checked your site. sorry for stealing you're blog topic about Screech. it was unintentional.

My post was mostly informational, I'm glad you did the topic, mostly because I couldn't get away with drawing a poop stash on Screech.

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