The Whipped Show
We talked about "being whipped."

All kinds of football action this weekend with the NFL back in action.
One guy called the show to find out the results from the Chiefs' game (3:29).
Dick Cheney says...(0:31).
Segment 1 - Guys whip themselves (1:46)
Segment 2 - The Cat 'O Nine Tails (3:09)
Segment 2 - The Cat 'O Nine Tails (3:09)
We didn't know what the hell she was talking about when she started with the "cat 'o nine tails" teasing, so we had to Google it. Here's the Wikipedia entry.

All kinds of football action this weekend with the NFL back in action.
One guy called the show to find out the results from the Chiefs' game (3:29).
Dick Cheney says...(0:31).
i don't think you need to be a sexual deviant to know what a cat of nine tails is . . . you just have to watch a movie about the middle ages . . .
i laughed pretty hard at the "chiefs guy" . . .
Posted by kevin | 8:42 PM, September 11, 2006