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I can whore, but my man can't!

One of the most honest calls we've ever received, got one of the biggest responses from our listeners we've ever experienced.

Listen to this woman explain why she should be allowed to sleep with as many men as she wants to, but her "main man" better not even think about sleeping around.

Now, listen to the reaction calls.

Segment 1 (6:09)
Segment 2 (3:03)
Segment 3 (5:49)
Segment 4 (9:14)
Segment 5 (2:32)

In other, more comical show activity...

Another dude trying to get a hold of Swap Shop.

Oh my gosh. Both of those people in that relationship are idiots. She's an idiot for obvious reasons, and he is for KNOWING about it and staying with her! The idea for getting married is to be with that one person and ONLY that person for the rest of your life, yet he knows she is screwin around on him while they are engaged. Doesn't that hurt him knowing that she obviously doesn't love him at all or as much as he loves her. He sounds like he really does if he is spending that much money on rings. He needs to dump her and get a woman that will respect him and cherish the things he does for her insted of messing around on him. I hope they don't get married and procreate because those would be some dumb kids.

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