Stooksoscope for Wednesday
Your quick wit steps in and saves the day. Quips, repartee and rejoinders are all on your mental menu. And Mangino’s hungry.
Communication is key to making sure events go smoothly on this day. Making a to-do list will help you get everything accomplished in good time. Just make sure “take your semi-weekly bath” is at the top of the list.
Expand your understanding of the outside world. Pick up some foreign newspapers. Ask the smartest person you know to explain a difficult concept. Your brain will be grateful once it figures out hopscotch.
You've been sitting in a chair too long. Feel the rhythm! The stars want you to put on your boogie shoes and cut loose. Take a dance class, jump some rope or just put on some music and shake what your mama gave you: epilepsy.
Stooks Proverb: One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Unless he lives in