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Stooksoscope for Thursday


A little modesty adds an intriguing element to your usual self-confidence. Others are intrigued by this humble side of you, but they mostly think your megaphone simply broke.


It's time for you to take it to the limit. In the process, you might discover that those so-called limits are really just self-perceived limitations. Give yourself permission to try all kinds of things. You’ll show Screech who the real Sultan of Scat is!


You can't be considered a sore loser if you remember the most important lesson from this endeavor. Take responsibility for all your actions. Well, all your actions except the time you urinated on that bum in the alley.


Other people need to make a lot of bluster to feel like they have a place in this world. You, on the other hand, are so secure that you can afford to be subtle, discreet and quiet. And since you can’t grow a Hitler stash anyway, you’ll have to impress Mel Gibson with your drunken ramblings.

Stooks Proverb: Never do things by halves. Except for Mangino. Always do him in halves.

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