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Stooksoscope for Friday


It's time to put aside petty concerns. Muster up your enthusiasm and think about what lies ahead. Don't let the small stuff stop you from taking the first and very necessary step toward a new stage in your development: changing your own diaper.


Activities that involve waiting or patience are definitely not your strong suit right now. Instead, pick up and head out for the open air. Your restless spirit requires lots of stimulation and adventure. Your great grandpa’s spirit still complains about Medicare.


Thoughts become actions before you know it, especially if you refuse to fully acknowledge what's crossing your mind. Be fully aware of what you're thinking. And beware the dark side of the force.


You're always poised, reserved and in control -- until now. Damn you Don Miguel Bean Burrito!

Stooks Proverb: You only live once. Unless you press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start. Then you get 30 lives per player!

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