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In Touch Weekly says Britney Spears has been calling Kevin Federline and taunting him about her makeout sessions with J.R. Rotem and about how little money K-Fed has.

For Christmas, Paris Hilton gave Britney Spears a $500 purse to carry a dog in.

Britney Spears got a hand tattoo of a star or something white trash related.

Kevin Federline may have driven Five Star Vintage Clothing out of business as their spokesman. He doesn't work for them, anymore. We're not sure if anyone does.

"Yeah, we movin' some merch after this photo shoot today!"

Nicole Richie isn't hiding under a blanket, anymore. It smells like Lionel under there.

The Enquirer says J. Lo's family is telling her to stay away from Tom Cruise and his Scientology goons.

Cameras caught Pauly Shore checking out Nicolette Sheridan's ass, then spotting the cameras, then acting like he didn't notice either her ass or the cameras.

LOST's Evangeline Lilly's rented house in Hawaii burned down when she wasn't home. I bet Walt or Michael did it. Traitors.


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