Stooksoscope for Friday
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Classic business advice says to cut out the middleman, and this applies to all areas of your life right now. You'll save time, money and stress when you tackle certain tasks yourself. Except for polar bear Slip ‘N’ Sliding, your best off being a spectator for that.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Challenging authority may make you feel powerful, but you could end up in a heated argument over issues that you ultimately see as trivial. But someone needs to take a moral stand on quality tartar sauce.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you have a problem, speak up. When you can identify areas in your life that aren't working, you'll be on the right track. You might also want a mental health professional close by.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your abilities are almost superhuman. The only problem is that some parasitic types think that means they can lean on you to clean up their messes. Show them the way, but don't perform their tasks for them. Just because you know the best way to get cat urine off an afghan doesn’t mean you should be doing it for them.
Stooks Proverb: Man grows most tired while standing still. Kate Moss grows most tired when she gets all the coke out of her system.
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