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Inside Anna Nicole's Refrigerator of Death: Slimfast, yogurt and methadone. I guess we can rule out "spoiled methadone" as a cause of death.

Recent plastic surgery may have killed her, instead. Queen of Anna Nicole Knowledge Rita Cosby says Anna Nicole had her boobs redone.

Howard K. Stern is mourning, but happy to take cash for interviews, if you've got it.

Anna Nicole's baby daddy could be Howard, Larry Birkhead, Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband or even her old dead husband, thanks to frozen sperm.

"One down. One to go, Daniellynn."

Good luck getting a hotel where Anna Nicole died. They've locked it down to ensure this story gets us much unnecessary attention as possible.

Rosie O'Donnell can get press when she doesn't even try. She bashed Anna Nicole on The View just hours before she died.

The head of Cartoon Network resigned thanks to a bunch of morons scared of Lite Brights.

Thank God Anna Nicole's death hasn't stopped Paris Hilton from shopping. Are those bags filled with Valtrex, Paris?

Lindsay Lohan's mom says Lindsay is happy in rehab. Maybe it's all the drinking.

Human Rights First says more torture is happening in Iraq, and it's all because Jack Bauer makes it look cool. Nice.

Kevin Costner will be a father all over again. Then he'll shoot a crappy movie.

"Norbit," starring multiple Eddie Murphys, was the number one movie this weekend. Only heartless sons-of-bitches would see a movie after Anna Nicole's untimely demise. No surprise they chose this one.


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