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Oops, Britney Spears is in rehab again. I guess she'll just have eyebrows left to shave in celebration when she gets out again.

The salon where Britney chopped her hair off thinks it was a publicity stunt. Seals everywhere have been barking their approval ever since.

Donald Trump may become Britney's twin after Wrestlemania April 1st. He and Vince McMahon will each pick a wrestler. The loser gets his head shaved. I expect to see Brutus the Barber Beefcake for this.

"I also want Britney crotch duty."

During a break in the "who gets Anna Nicole's body" trial, Howard K. Stern received a subpoena for his DNA in Larry Birkhead's paternity suit. Stern's lawyers said "no fair!"

Great news: the Anna Nicole judge dreams of his own court show on TV. He's no Ito.

Feel bad for Anna Nicole's corpse? This should make you feel better: James Brown finally gets buried. Hopefully no one lights a match close to his body before they get him in the ground.

Nicole Richie pleaded "not guilty" to DUI.

Lindsay Lohan seems sober.

A judge has ordered O.J. Simpson to turn over his book earnings to the Goldman family. Or use it for golf.


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