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Britney Spears is in rehab for the third time in the last week. She went back to stop Kevin Federline's motion for an emergency custody hearing.

Former potential nannies for Britney say she made it clear she wanted a nanny who was cool with her being naked all the time. That explains it. Her vagina must've gotten caught in a vacuum cleaner.

Anna Nicole sent a message to Britney six months before Anna died, looking for friendship. It didn't pan out. So, Anna could've taken Britney with her? Damn.

Bobby Trendy, Anna Nicole's former interior designer, hopes Larry Birkhead is the baby daddy because he's hotter than Howard K. Stern.

Grey's Anatomy homophobe Isaiah Washington says he won't be killed off the show, because the show wants to give people what they want: crappy writing and tension between actors.

Thanks to Power Hits afternoon host Matt McBain for pointing me to this story on the Wii at nursing homes. The picture is more important than the story.

Mii ID: "Snap-Crackle Pops."

Donald Trump wants to be buried on one of his golf courses in Jersey. Maybe they could fashion one of his orifi into a hole on the course.


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