Category: copywriting

Copyedit time!

I was a much better copyeditor at The Kansan (KU’s student paper) than I was a reporter. This means I’m better bitching about someone else’s shitty reporting than I am doing shitty reporting of my own. With this in mind, I found a great piece of copy to edit from this story: Clinton, who would…

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Writing after hits of silica

1. The ALL CAPS is okay, because… It grabs the typical silica consumer’s attention. The typical silica consumer hasn’t learned their lowercase. 2. “SILICA GEL” is bigger than “DO NOT EAT” and “THROW AWAY” on the packaging, because… The average silica consumer understands “SILICA GEL,” but not “THROW AWAY” or “DO NOT EAT.” It’s not…

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