Speeches about speeches

Hillary Clinton is starting to annoy me.  She keeps giving the same speech.

“It’s about picking a president who relies not just on words but on work, on hard work,” she said. “We need to make a choice between speeches and solutions, because while words matter greatly, the greatest words in the world are not enough unless you match them with action.”

She’s going after Barack for giving passionate speeches with no substance.  She accomplishes this by giving a speech about how speeches and words don’t matter.  I bet she’s said “speeches” more this last week that Barack has said “hope.”  Who’s without substance here?

2 Replies to “Speeches about speeches”

  1. I’m certainly not a Hillary supporter so please don’t misinterpret this comment as me giving her my support. There are plenty of things to criticize Hillary for (self-righteous, power hungry bitch comes to mind immediately) but using redundant speeches as a criticism should be directed at the entire electoral process. Barack apparently has only been programmed to say “we need change”, and “I believe in change”, and not much else. McCain fought in a war and was a POW in case you hadn’t heard. The point is that when people hear the same thing repeatedly they start to believe it and so every candidate picks some slogan or strategy and just regurgitates it over, and over, and over as often as possible just hoping that people hear it more than the other guy’s (or girl’s). Hearing the same speech every day for 2 years gets on my nerves too, but it’s all the candidates who are guilty, not just one.

    • Obviously every candidate regurgitates the same speech. My point: having a speech dedicated to the lack of substance in someone else’s speech is comical.

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