Goodbye cable news

I’ve come to the realization that I’ve wasted entirely too much of my life watching cable news.

Each cable network has a carousel of about 20 pundits screaming over each other in a desperate attempt to spin viewers one way or the other. I think I’m grown up enough at this point to (gasp) read the news and make my own decisions on what it all means.

I will no longer watch this crap. The only time I’m allowed to watch CNN is for live events, such as debates and the brilliant speech Barack Obama gave today about race in America (video here).

Goodbye, Wolf Blitzer’s beard and weird vocal delivery.

Goodbye, Chris Matthews and the constant mass of spit we can all hear gathering in your mouth as you speak. Your laugh is awful, too.

Goodbye, Pat Buchanan and your whiny-ass squeal.

Goodbye, Bill O’Reilly. You suck. You’re untalented, uninformed and just wrong in general. You are terrible medicine for everyone who watches you. I hate you. Actually, I haven’t watched you in ages, but I couldn’t leave you out.

Goodbye, cable news. I will miss your terrible news judgment, immature takes, cheesy graphics, frightening music and giant touchscreen computers. Most of all, I will miss the two minutes of news in each hour of programming.

5 Replies to “Goodbye cable news”

  1. Yep, I discovered that a good while back. That’s why I download MP3s of stuff I want to listen to, like EconTalk (

    30 minutes or an hour will go by on one of those shows and really, almost nothing has been said.

    Even one that might have someone interesting to say, he might get a total of 2 minutes out because there are so many guests on the show and so many commercials.

    Off the top of my head, seems like it all started in the 80s with CrossFire and Morton Downey Jr.

  2. […] I’m now ready to start reading novels on a regular basis.   Now that I don’t watch CNN 20 hours a week, I should be able to get that done.  Send me your recommendations if you have them.  However, if […]

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