Reminder: Bush is a moron

President Bush wants Congress to end an offshore drilling moratorium that dates back to early Reagan.

Bush said that if congressional leaders head home for their July 4 recess without taking action, they will need to explain why “$4 a gallon gasoline is not enough incentive for them to act. And Americans will rightly ask how high gas prices have to rise before the Democratic-controlled Congress will do something about it.”

It would take years, maybe ten, to get oil from new offshore drilling. If we still need oil as much then as we do now, we deserve to never leave our homes.

One argument says lifting the ban would keep speculators from jacking up oil prices. I don’t see how saying “we’ll have a tiny bit more oil ten years from now” could possibly affect speculators today. Bush and McCain are pushing this argument because they know it won’t pass, and then they’ll keep trying to pin high gas prices on Congressional Democrats.

I have an idea. Stop waving your dick at Iran, make it clear you will get out of Iraq soon, and everyone will settle their shit over World War III crippling our oil supply. That might knock some cents off at the pump.

2 Replies to “Reminder: Bush is a moron”

  1. Amen to that! I thought people were supposed to get wiser as they aged, but you certainly couldn’t tell it from the way our politicians have been acting. (It makes me feel stupid just being governed by this kind of crap.)

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