Trashy T-Shirt night at The K

Tuesday, I went to “Frank White Powder Blue T-Shirt Night” at Kauffman Stadium.  I had wanted to go, and Geoff came through with free tickets.

We entered the stadium and got our free extra large t-shirts.  They had a stand where you could go exchange the shirt for a medium.  I thought this was a good idea.  Two of me could fit into that XL.  My luck changed.  As I approached the exchange stand, they packed up and went away.  They were out of mediums.

It was a great crowd for a Tuesday.

A free t-shirt brings a special kind of crowd to the stadium.

The guy behind us said “I got it” every time the bat touched the ball – fair, foul, or foul out of bounds.  He had some other commentary that would have been harmless, had it not been for his annoying, nasally voice.  Think “slightly less annoying Urkel.”  That’s what this guy sounded like.  Oh, here’s another shocker: he was at the game by himelf.  I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to go to a game with him.  Fortunately, he was there just four innings.

I tried to get a picture of him by pointing the camera at myself, but it didn’t really accomplish the goal.  I think you can see the brim of his hat behind my neck.

I did manage to get an okay picture of the family to our left.

You can see a tattoo, but you can’t make out the spelling of “Asshole” on this family man’s right arm.  I’m guessing he had an 18-month-old girl as well as a four-year-old girl.  He might’ve gotten the “Asshole” tattoo before the kids, but what’s keeping him from wearing an Iverson sleeve over that thing?

I think this guy was the grandpa.

Once again, we were lucky this group went home early.  They left after five innings.

I went for a pee and some beer refills just before the seventh inning stretch.  It started raining on my return.  The grounds crew brought out the tarp and we headed for shelter under the bowl of the stadium.  I wasn’t ten steps away from our seats before I realized I left my Frank White T-Shirt behind.  I walked back to retrieve it, and it was gone.  I was away from my seat for 10 seconds – just enough time for some piece of trash to steal my shirt.

This was our view before we left for the night.

It was one of the worst visits to Kauffman Stadium of all time.  Shit on it all.

6 Replies to “Trashy T-Shirt night at The K”

  1. Old, gross hippie (grandpa in trashy family) smelled like urinal cakes.

    Also, the guy with the “Asshole” tattoo down his arm had a shirt that said “Kiss Me, I’m Shitfaced”. A true class-act.

    I still can’t believe how fast your shirt was swiped up. Do you think if we pooped on it and left it there someone would still have taken it? I bet they would have.

    • I knew I’d forget some details on that guy. Thanks for the reminder.

      Had we pooped on it, a crowd of people would surround us and cheer the process.

    • No, we didn’t. Geoff had free tickets and free parking, so some of the benefits wouldn’t apply. Had we taken the bus, I wonder if we would’ve been stranded at the stadium during the rain delay.

  2. God damn man, that really sucks about your shirt- maybe you should at least get one of those fake piles of dog poop for next time.

    • I guess everyone should have a fake pike of poop on standby. Let this be a lesson to us all.

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