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The show's back up tomorrow, and I've finally found a decent picture of Hasselhoff's tears from last week's American Idol finale.

You really had to see it live to appreciate the full Hoff sentimentality, but a man's gotta eat.

"Something flew into my eyes, alright!!!"

By the way, Hasselhoff will be a judge on Simon Cowell's new show, America's Got Talent, Cowell's second blatant ripoff of American Idol (the other is...I forget, sorry).
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At 8:48 PM, May 29, 2006, Shua said...

What is up with Hoff's neck?

At 8:52 PM, May 29, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

Are you referring to his double chin? The guy's 100 years old, cut him a break.


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