Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Listen to your inner drives. If you're strongly drawn to performing and being in the spotlight, do what it takes to foster this side of your creativity. If you’re strongly drawn to women, get some cash and head to the Lion’s Den. You’re not getting any anytime soon.


The stars want you to make sure that those good intentions bear fruit, so apply all that creativity and knowledge and get something down on paper. Ideas just flow from you. Unfortunately, so do assorted liquids.


Someone in your social circle has a talent for creating drama: you. Drama Queen. Rosie in waiting. Poor man’s Star Jones. Etc.


Some people need to ask permission -- unconsciously or consciously -- before they do anything. But, that impulse is totally foreign to your nature. Higher forces and a much different agenda drive you. It’s time to make a “run for the border.” Because you haven’t made a run for the restroom for four days. T-Bell will fix it.

Stooks Proverb: Two heads are better than one, unless both heads have Angela Lansbury’s face.

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