So long, Rog

If you haven't heard,
BOTH Elimidate AND Blind Date are going off the air.

Roger Lodge, along with his assortment of V-necks and turtlenecks got me through my first couple years of college.

Elimidate renewed my faith in the genre, before a quick rendezvous with Cheaters ended my relationship with dating shows completely.

Goodbye Elimidate and Blind Date...we hardly knew ye.

Now, that's a man who knows how to show off his neck!

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At 3:43 PM, August 14, 2006, kevin said...

wow, roger lodge really went all out for that photo shoot. i don't remember him being so stamos-esque.

he's dreamy.

At 3:58 PM, August 14, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

I still can't get over the fact that he is a frequent guest on Rome's radio and TV show, and even fills in for him. But, I saw Whitlock guest host on Rome is Burning, so that doesn't say much.


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