Stooksoscope for Friday


It's so satisfying to check off the items on your 'to-do' list until you reach the end. Don’t try to skip over the item about borrowing your grandpa’s weed eater to clean out your mother’s back hair.


A tiny opportunity to be kind can lead to something big. Help a senior citizen go grocery shopping. Pick up trash in a local park. Manually remove Reginald’s lazy eye. It’s creeping everyone out.


Are your finances in good shape? If so, keep up the good work. If not, then it's time to look at your budget and what you're buying. Do you really need that custom Slip ‘N’ Slide with Pamela Anderson’s chest painted down the middle.


Your hobby becomes so absorbing that you look for even more ways to make it a part of your regular, workaday life. Unfortunately doing manicures on severed arms might get the law on your back.

Stooks Proverb: Love is blind. You see, someone gauged its eyes out for wife-coveting in biblical times.

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