Stooksoscope for Thursday


A combination of intuition, imagination and knowledge lead to wisdom. You know more than you think. You just need to tap into all your resources, not just the ones you want to publicly acknowledge. Yes, it’s time to reveal that you were a 1996 World Series of Hopscotch finalist.


It's important to trust yourself. Do you listen to your instincts? Do you acknowledge your feelings, or do you dismiss them? Most importantly, do you act on them and yell out loud at the Soap Opera’s Digest in the grocery checkout line for the direction of Marlena’s storyline on Day’s of Our Lives?


It's time to start a revolution in your life. Chair Spinning Olympics!


You've tackled many a job because you're the only person who'll make sure that it's done correctly. Not everyone’s willing to dive head first into the Johnny on the Spot to make sure it’s clean. Or store the waste in their Taurus during 100-degree heat.

Stooks Proverb: Beggars can’t be choosers. But they can be smelly.

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