Stooksoscope for Wednesday


You're an excellent puzzle solver, but for this one, you may need to call in some outside help. When it comes to emotional matters, the best medicine you could hope for is an empathetic friend...or your pathetic friend Petey, the guy who bathes in the bathroom at work. You’ll feel better just knowing that’s not your life.


Unintended consequences are actually very much to your liking at this moment. It just goes to show you what happens when you take your hands off the control and let the cosmos work its magic. But odds are against the cosmos being able to hold it’s breath worth a damn.


Give yourself some peace by tuning out the chaos. Take a break from any drama that's going on. Don't wade into the fray. You're persuasive and magnetic, but the situation is more combustible than you know. It’s just like lighting a match near Mel Gibson on a Friday night.


Trying to make everyone happy doesn't work, so stop stringing someone along like a cheap kite. Unless it’s that sweet My Little Pony kite you keep hidden under your bed.

Stooks Proverb: You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Don’t worry; I detangled the hair back there so this time your fingers won’t get stuck. Much more flowing this time.

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