Stooksoscope for Thursday


Figure out if there's a purpose to a debate before you get started. It's tempting to get involved in a battle of the wits, but be careful: That repartee could quickly descend to the level of 'Did not!,' 'Did too! Did not! Did too! (shotgun blast)’


It's time to share what you know. With your charm, you can also persuade other, less forthcoming types to be equally generous with some much-needed information. Unfortunately your charm isn’t quite enough to avoid having to pay for, you know…services.


Your ability to negotiate everyone's needs along with your own makes you the ideal go-between. You're the acme of courtesy. Too bad you’re also the acne on a butt.


Some flaky types in your workplace are infectious. You, however, can ward them off by inoculating yourself with a large dose of organization, or a rubber.

Stooks Proverb: It’s never too late to learn, unless you’re Wilford Brimley trying to learn the proper way to say “diabetes.”

"Diabeetis. Arrr! Arrr! Arrr! (seal bark)"
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At 7:38 AM, August 17, 2006, Kevin said...

Easily one of the funniest pictures I have seen today.

At 7:57 AM, August 17, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

Is that a compliment? It's pretty early to have seen that many funny pictures today.

At 9:12 AM, August 17, 2006, Kevin said...

sort of


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