Stooksoscope for Wednesday

You have the imagination and insight to see fresh angles on lifelong friends. Why not share your knowledge with them? Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock, and corn doesn’t digest.

Your career success accelerates just as the situation in your personal life gets deep. This might cause you some stress, along with glee as you mercilessly sacrifice five gerbils.

You're at the center of all the hustle and bustle in your increasingly busy routine. It may start to feel like just that -- routine -- but what other way do you know of to smuggle Benadryl across the border.

You're capable of far more than you know. Music, sculpture, dance -- these and other artistic topics inspire you. They also inspire other people to make fun of you behind your back. But they never liked you anyway.

Stooks Proverb: Seeing is believing. That’s why Helen Keller is so skeptical of everything.
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