Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Finding it difficult to get some time for yourself? You have to make it a priority on your own schedule -- fight for it if you have to. Spend some time daydreaming, doodling or stocking up on fake Burt Reynold’s moustaches.


Inquire within when it comes to unresolved questions. Your highly attuned instincts can lead you to the right solutions if you're able to hear them. “Righty tighty, lefty loosey” doesn’t work for helping your dog relieve themselves.


Listen to your inner wisdom when it comes to picking new associates for a project. Your dream team is well within realization. Who could possibly beat the team of Optimus Prime, Beach-Head and Skeletor?


Keep focused on what's important. Larger influences are bringing your big picture into focus. It’s a spaceship!

Stooks Proverb: You only live once. But there are enough hours of Bob Saget archived footage to take up at least half that. Don’t even try to get into the Stamos collection.

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