Stooks Scoop

I kinda want to see Andre Agassi play his last tennis matches. The US Open is on USA right now, so I thought I'd watch and see if he was on. Frightening stuff.

They were putting a tribute together for Billie Jean King (definitely not Michael's Lover). You could tell the announcers weren't really prepared for this kind of a ceremony at a tennis match.

Listen to this and imagine a bunch of kids running out on the field from one of the typical groups that get recognized at football and baseball games (think Cub Scouts/Brownies). They wave at the people in the crowd quite creepishly. But it's at a tennis match. Then, Diana Ross sang.

Anyone not see this coming? That creepy "I killed JonBenet" guy's DNA doesn't match the evidence. He gets to stay in the State's and travel to California to answer for some old child porn charges. There goes his 15 minutes.

"I'm still into kiddie porn! Is that worth nothing anymore?! I'm listening to
relaxing music!!!"

Dumped by Paramount, Tom Cruise is now getting funding from owner of the Washington Redskins. Both of those guys are weird.

Has anyone else noticed how lame Matthew Broderick is compared to when he was Ferris Bueller? What a phoney! He just broke his collarbone after falling off a pony (almost a poem).

Matthew Broderick's pony

Oh no she didn't! Meredith Vieira says The View has become a joke. The more she talks the hotter she becomes.

Casey Affleck is excited to get his first "heroic lead" in a movie. It's funny how only his own brother could make Ben Affleck look reasonable by comparison.

Jessica Simpson's new CD is out Tuesday. It's her FIFTH album. With very few hits, it's interesting to find out why she's so famous? Very good article on branding an artist.

Speaking of quesionable fame... Paris Hilton got rejected by Extras, an HBO show from Ricky Gervais, the creator of The Office. Ben Stiller, Sam Jackson and Kate Winslet have all had guest appearances on the HBO show. Paris asked to be in an episode, Ricky said "no."

Her response is classic: "I guess he's obviously scared of starring alongside an A-lister"

Here's some new Paris is a whore news: Cher's son says he hooked up with her years ago, and was so scared he caught something, he scrubbed himself with household cleaner.

Wow. I kinda saw this coming. On the night of The Emmys, Conan was in a bit at the beginning of the show that had him walk through the sets of some highly acclaimed shows. It starts with him on a plane crashing for Lost. Sadly, a crash in Kentucky killed 49 people just a couple hours before the show.

Will & Grace's Eric McCormack says he may never do a sitcom again. What will we do?

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