It's Always Sunny

Even thought tonight's episode wasn't that good, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is easily the best comedy on TV.

It's on FX, Thursday nights at 9.

I just noticed that when they flash the production company logo up at the end of the show, there's some weird audio playing.

Listen here.

It sounded like reversed audio, so I thought I'd flip it around.

Here's the audio flipped.

I'm confused.
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At 8:27 AM, August 04, 2006, kevin said...

i don't have audio at work . . . what does it say in reverse? i have always wondered about it.

At 8:33 AM, August 04, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

It says something like

Voice one: "Is it brown? Is it brown? Is it brown?" (really fast)

Voice two: "Good work."

And then it repeats.

At 8:40 AM, August 04, 2006, kevin said...

it sounds like something they may have done just to confuse the losers that actually take the time to replay the sound clip backwards.

no offense of course. i would have done the same if i had the means.


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