Dancing with the Stars

Tonight's the season finale of Dancing with the Stars, so I better watch.

Some observations: George Lopez is in the crowd. Maybe he's looking for some Mario Lopez jokes to sprinkle in with his blatantly ethnic act. Marcus Allen is in the crowd, too. I guess he's supporting Emmitt Smith.

What's Emmitt doing comparing dancing to the Superbowl?

And doesn't Mario's mom know that Mario knows the difference between winning the real championship or her giving him some homemade piece of crap trophy?

Leave it to Lopez to get obscene on a family TV show.

Drew Lachey dropped by one of Emmitt's dance practices to lend his support. And to see if Emmitt could spot him five bucks.

For some reason, Emmitt chose M.C. Hammer for his freestyle dance. On top of that, it's the house band performing it. You've gotta hear this.

Mario's going to win.

After Dancing with the Stars, ABC premiered "Show me the Money!"

William Shatner is the host.

Unfortunately, the first contestant on the show has a man purse very similar to mine.

And he set back my cause.
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