The Everything Show

Today was one of the most random shows we've ever had. I had a hard time falling asleep last night and Chris is always lacking in sleep. Those two factors combined for an odd day.

"Seasons Greetings from a Stooks in the Morning Listener" (0:22)

"Home Alone is a logistical nightmare" (6:46)

"Nicole Richie's high off her ass and heading right for me tips 2006" (0:30).

The FemSloth (2:07)

"Let's Talk About This" Segment 1 (4:33).

"Let's Talk About This" Segment 2 (3:11).

The Blonde Moustache (0:52).

A frank discussion with Photoshop Adam (4:05).

Rodney hosts the midday show immediately after ours.

He shotgunned me for insulting him (1:13).

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