
Cocky ass: Larry Birkhead shopped at Babies 'R' Us.

Angelina Jolie is in Vietnam, presumably to pick up a kid.

Jessica Simpson wants to adopt a kid. She's copycatting Madonna copycatting Angelina. WTF?!

Don King met with the Pope. I can't wait for Pope-Tyson on Pay Per View this Fall.

"I don't tell anyone where I get my threads!"

Tori Spelling gave birth. And it looks like she made up with her mom. Did she get the placenta?

The Baha Men are $500 thousand in debt. Didn't see that coming. "Who let the creditors out?"

Hampton Shoe Vixen is offering Star Jones free shoes for life if she becomes their spokesperson. They think she could use some new shoes because of her weight loss. Are they factoring in room for the extra loose skin on her feet?

LL Cool J is pitching for Subway now. Watch out for Jared, LL!

The Enquirer says Meredith Vieira is in panic, finger-pointing mode after a ratings drop on the Today Show.

If you're wondering, Donald Trump still has a made-for-WWE feud with Vince McMahon.


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