
Britney Spears went jewelry shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. She needs to accessorize that vagina for the next photo shoot.

Britney managed to go to a nightclub and drink Pepsi without the aid of alcohol. Her panties remained in place, too.

Producer Timbaland says he isn't working with Britney on her new album. He just got a new leather couch.

Next Tuesday, we should have an answer about Anna Nicole's baby daddy.

If a deal hadn't been reached, J. Lo might've served jury duty. I'm sure that would've been some intelligent deliberations.

J. Lo says she isn't J. Lo anymore. She's Jennifer Lopez, if anyone still cares.

A woman asked for Ron Jeremy's autograph at the Exotica porn convention. She's filed a police report saying he took the liberty of signing her boob without permission. The Exotica porn convention isn't apparently the class event we thought it to be.

After 16 days, and a doctor's order, a Sanjaya hunger strike is over.

Some say Indian call centers for American companies are responsible for keeping Sanjaya on the show. They also say Indian call centers treat them like kindergartners on the phone.

Independent Comedy is looking for a Sanjaya lookalike for a spoof. Surely Cheech is sending in his picture.

GQ interviewed Lindsay Lohan via text message. After the interview, Lindsay cured her "Blackberry Thumb" with a pint of vodka.

Scary Spice popped out a kid Tuesday. The baby girl might belong to Eddie Murphy, but Scary doesn't fit Eddie's usual transsexual tendencies.

Keith Richards says he mixed some of his dead father's ashes with some cocaine, then snorted it. We're supposed to be surprised by this?

It looks like there will be a Sex and the City movie, after all. Theaters will provide barf bags at every seat in preparation for the first Kim Cattrall sex scene.


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