Back to the toilet

The last week for this blog has been all about toilets, the Royals, toilets at Royals games, and today it’s about toilets at bars while watching the Royals. Unlike recent years, I’m not in a position to talk about the Royals being in the toilet, so that theme will thankfully have to wait.

We went to Corner Cocktail to watch a game last week. Check out the bathroom towel.

I have trust issues with this towel implementation. How much towel rotates through this thing? Do they ever wash it? Is there some kind of sanitizing solution in there?

One of the arguments in favor of this machine is that people will be using freshly cleansed hands on it.  I disagree. Half the guys who do wash their hands merely moisten their fingers, making their peen grease all that more transferable to the towel.

If this is the only option at a restroom, use your pants to dry.

4 Replies to “Back to the toilet”

  1. As soon as I saw that thing, I decided to pass on hand washing all together. I decided any disease I could get/transfer from not washing my hands was not as bad as the disease i could get/transfer by using that thing.
    Also, did you notice how high they had the thing up on the wall? If I had wanted to use the built-in mirror to check my hair prior to leaving the bathroom, I needed about 6 more inches…….in height, not peen size.

    • Yeah, that mirror is pretty much useless. By the way, I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to check your hair at Corner. It’s against the dress code.

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