ESPN Sucks
They should change the slogan to "The Worldwide Leader in Sucks."
Okay that might not be the best marketing statement, but it's true.
I invested my money in an HDTV, and ESPN is one of the culprits ruining the experience. None of the good games are available in HD. Instead, ESPN wastes all of its HD broadcasts on the X-Games, which a total of .02% of the population actually cares about.
Now, ESPN has launched ESPNHD2.
"Hey, here's an idea. Let's launch another HD network even though we refuse to invest in the equipment to properly run the flagship," some clever ESPN executive must have said in some pencil-twiddling meeting.
Almost all of the cable networks still don't carry this flop of a station.
All you have to do is look at the opening of Sportscenter to know how stupid the guys at ESPN have become. The opening montage has baseball (not in season), women's basketball (garbage), and NHL hockey (garbage and on strike). Good job relating to your fans, ESPN.
The Sportscenter anchors aren't what they used to be, either. All of them struggle to sound like Keith Olberhmann or Craig Kilborn, but fail miserably. Dan Patrick is just full of himself and some bad K-Mart mousse that probably smells like cat tongue after another bi-minutely "bath."
Dick Vitale is probably the most overrated sports analyst in the world, yet he's one of their top stars. Karen Kornacki is better, and she's the equivalent of Big Bird on crack.
Pardon the Interruption is the only decent thing ESPN produces.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity for Fox Sports Net to take over. Instead, we have to look at Tom Arnold's dumb face for however long that terrible Damn Sports Show Period lasts.
When will someone get it right?