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How does the Little Mermaid...you know...

Interesting question posed by a Stooks in the Morning caller this morning.

"Does Ariel have normal female plumbing?" And why wasn't that point argued in her song about being a normal woman?

"If you were a real woman, I'd show you the trick I can do with my claws."

I am assuming that once she grew her legs she grew the rest of the parts . . . I imagine she would have a pretty bad case of wrotten tuna crotch though.

Mac Attack...you dirtball. By the way, what aisle can I find the tuna on? And is your name still on some kind of placemat thingy that's just within slapping reach at PC? I just wish I could be a Chopper Brother with you and Mistro, and to a lesser extent, Wolfy and Barry.

Do you think she had a bad case of....crabs?? (Ba Dum, CHING!)

Also, I wonder if the carpet matched the curtains?

Mad Dog, are you still wowing the indoor soccer world with your mad skills?

The tuna is in aisle eight. Right by the soccer jeans and really tight shirts.

I would destroy Mike in a "chop off," what was he . . . a produce goon? What a stitch-handed loser. I worked with the real men at the register.

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