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Gas tips

Paying too much at the pump? Inspired by posts at theprewitt.com, we pleaded with our audience to get creative and come up with some ways to save on gas. They did okay (Segment 1 here) (Segment 2 here), but our best advice came from Louie Anderson.

And even Swedish Schoolboy Hansel is feeling the pains of high gas prices.

Speaking of gas, here's a disturbing bit courtesy of Chris Casey. I can't elaborate, that would spoil the surprise ending!

Grandma Brooks only held baby Eliza so she had someone to blame her flatulence on.

Today's Daily Quote of the Day for Today: "Do you really think she could fill Meredith Viera's shoes? We know she could burst right through her blouse." - Stooks, on the announcement of Rosie O'Donnell as Meredith Viera's replacement on The View.

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