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Is MySpace the Devil?

I gave in and joined MySpace yesterday. I can already tell that it will own my soul. I'm desperate for friends, by the way. So join me at myspace.com/mattstooks.

We took to the air with this, and got some interesting feedback: MySpace is at least related to the Devil on some level. Segment 1 has a girl who works at Wal-Mart and was confronted by a MySpace stalking group. Segment 2 has a guy who knows about MySpace destroying four relationships. Segment 3 has the High Lady.

The MySpace Devil: Lucifer, Hitler and grandma combined, a frightening force to reckon with.

We also got the opportunity to interview Governor Sebelius about my ideas for "Re-Driver's Education."

Here's a new edition of which are the real Rose and Dorothy.

Remember the other day when I was upset about the reporting in The Collegian? We introduced a new bit called "How would The Collegian report it?"

Today's Daily Quote of the Day for Today: "The most frightening edition ever to People's most beautiful list...the beast that we know as Kirstie Alley." - Stooks, on Kirstie making the mag's 2006 list.


I like Kirtsie Allie!!! She has lost all kinds of weight!!! I saw it on the Oprah show.!

She has lost weight, but just because she's less horrifying than she was before doesn't mean she should be on the beautiful people list. "Give me a break." - John Stossel

Yo Stooks now all you need to get is and Xanga and Tagged site! MWHAHHAAHA! The evil of the blogs will get you yet! MWHAHAHA! Chows O.O

Hey, I've been doing this site for a year and a half, so I can kindof hang. MySpace is already controlling my existence. Rapid fire posting tonight, by the way.

dude get an xanga website

come on dude get one (xanga)
at least check mine out www.xanga.com/sierra_rowlison

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