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It's Earth Day Eve...smoke some cheeba!

Earth Day is tomorrow. To celebrate, we had an Earth Day Tip. We had another Earth Day Tip. And we had one glorious grand finale of an Earth Day Tip.

Without Earth Day, the oceans will boil the dolphins, and birds will develop a blue, log-like apparatus...and Chinese writing will appear in the corners of all children's drawings. Translation: "Oh no, it's Godzirra!"

Have you noticed the increase in the number of people wearing the wireless headsets? I saw three people at Rusty's wearing them in the bar. How lame. Adam the Telemarketer called in to set us straight.

"Stooks from the Future" called in to update us on Baby Cruise-Holmes.

And Hansel joined us to talk about the K-State Spring Game.

Today's Daily Quote of the Day for Today: "The Hamburglar...(long pause)...Talks." - Chris Casey, after Stooks challenged him to name a mascot that can speak. Stooks went on to explain that The Hamburglar only says "Rubble, rubble," and wouldn't count anyway.

Hey dude call back future stooks and ask about your beard.

That's not how it works. He has the phone that can time travel, not me. I'll ask next time he calls in.

Also, be sure to ask him about Richard Karn's beard. And Bea Arthur's.

Your previous post is all messed up can't leave comments or listen to the first audio clip?

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