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I went to Wal-Mart yesterday, got out of my car, stepped in gum, shopped, and stepped in the same gum. Ridiculous.

So we started talking this morning about things that are more annoying than stepping in gum.

In this segment, a girl hates flip flops that break and a guy hates pedestrians.

Here's a lady who drops the line "500 points for me" in reference to hitting pedestrians.

Here, a guy is worried about what to do when he's headed for a puddle and a pedestrian may get splashed.

That's it for "pedestrian chat" for today.

Here's an offensive segment involving a guy who doesn't like illegal immigrants.

We are starting to give back to the community, here's our first anti-drug PSA.

"I used to say 'gumshoes' when I was alive. Get it?"

Rest in peace, Chief. If we only could have locked up Carmen San Diego for good, you could have died happy.

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